Friday 12 August 2011

Toronto Trip

LAFAs Toronto Trip
All I have to say is ... WOW! LAFA had the incredible honour of having a private workshop with amazing professionals from the entertainment sector!  We all walked away with an overwhelming feeling of humbleness, knowledge and an understanding of a business that has complicated roots.
There were 44 of us that arrived early morning in Chatham to take the train.  Taking the train is always a treat.  Many students shared stories of past LAFA trips, while others had enjoy their first.  We also were accompanied by an up and coming local band Overdrive 145, who were excited to be invited. We all rode on the train hopeful for the days events, but none of us could foresee the adventure that was in store.
As the train came to a halt in Toronto, we all found ourselves in the basement of Union Station.  Dr. Matt Dodd graciously met us and ended up being a fantastic host!  LAFA was very lucky to have such an amazing guy show us the best of Toronto.  Matt, along side, LAFAs instructor Chris Domenicucci had organized the workshops together.  And they were something we will never forget.
We were headed to the Subway.  The young starry-eyed aspiring actors and hopeful rock stars had rounded the corner and heard the sounds of Phantom of the Opera from street performers.  For many, this was a scene out of a movie.   Many students drop a coin or two as the piano man smiled at us as we past by.
The chatter grew and the awe was starting to set in, when we arrived at a beautiful loft like building that had a beautiful courtyard.  When we entered the building, we were excited to see that the room that had been rented was gorgeous.  The group enjoyed a 4 hour workshop while sitting on plush chairs and leather seats.
Our first speaker was Cheryl Murphy, the Manager of Nelly Furtado at Chris Smith Management.  What a wealth of knowledge!  She spoke of industry expectations, personal stories of artists and how important it is to be humble.  This was going to be a reoccuring theme that always made its way into the conversation.  Not only did she spend the hour sharing priceless information but she took the band aside and personally spoke to them one on one after.  The advice she gave to the young aspiring rock stars was tremendous.  Her mentorship was outstanding and the boys of Overdrive 145 were hopeful as she took their demo to listen to.   Thank you so much for coming out to speak to our little theatre group.
The next person up, was a very successful Talent Agent, JC from Just Canadian Talent Agency.  This was a popular workshop where many LAFA kids had great questions to ask.  He talked about a tough business that has a lot of pressures, expectations and hopes.  The kids were given information on the process of auditioning.  More importantly, he spoke of humbleness.  The need to know where you came from, always be willing to learn more and never think your better than anyone else because there will be 20 others kids ready to take your role in heartbeat!  We even got to hear the story of a girl who could not keep her grades up and did not care to fix it; she was no longer being represented by JC. 
A hearty lunch followed as JC gave out his cards and promised to view all the kids portfolios and told them he would try to answer any other questions their parents may have.
Our third speaker was the beautiful young Nashville singer and songwriter Sara Giguere.  She inspired the kids with her amazing story.  She also shared with the kids the importance of being true to yourself, never selling yourself short and always go for your dreams!  She spoke of understanding the business, never stop learning and to always be gracious, even for the things that do not happen. One student was so moved, she gushed a thank you saying how inspired she was!  Here is her youtube link! What a powerful voice.  Thank you Sara.
Sara Giguere - You Are (Official Music Video)
Sara Giguere's first music video for her single 'You Are' off her debut EP. Director: Jean-Pierre

Our last speaker was also our host Dr. Matt Dodd.  Not only has he worked on the set of SYTYCDC, trained on Broadways stages but he is also a trainer for the New York Yankees.  His story was a remarkable one.  We spoke of a personal story of his struggles that had an overwhelming message of staying positive!  The kids listened in that final hour with an eagerness that has present during the first hour.  They were amazed and were inspired to follow their dreams!  They had many questions for Matt and his story stayed with them as they took the train home.  LAFA is indebted to you for your time, graciousness and humble mentorship we could never thank you enough.  You truly, have imprinted these kids lives!
Back to the Subway, Matt brought us to Casa Loma where Harry Potter had just premiered.  Then we headed to Much Music where we got to witness Degrassi High interviews only 10 feet away from us.  The entire city was gracious and friendly!  Even the security guard spoke to the kids of the VMA awards.  They shopped down the main street and we headed to the Mall before we boarded the train back home.
Students were tired as we boarded the train in Union Station but still high from the days events.  So inspired, taken back by the amount of information, knowledge and connections we all made.  What a fantastic day!  
Thank you to Visjna, Steve and Nicole for accompanying us.  A very HUGE thank you to Chris for being a star, for the day could not have been so successful without your passion and drive to inspire LAFA.
Sarah Ilijanich