Thursday 20 October 2011

Oct, 22nd - Rehearsal #3

These past weeks have been incredible! Everyone is eager and excited for our upcoming performance.  Last week we blocked 2 scenes, worked on our GOTE sheet (An Acting Tool for Characterization) and also finished placing everyone in their collective parts!  Jonah also worked with each group to find out each persons' dancing skill level!  Everyone did fantastic!
This week we will be doing the following:
Blocking - pages 1-3 
Choreogaphy - Daydreams (7 minutes)
Costumes - choices for our characters
**I have included the vocals & instrumentals for this song in an email
A few notes: 
Please note there is still an opening for the following production classes:
Cast A - 1 minor speaking role
Cast C - 2 minor speaking roles
Perhaps you know of a friend, who would like to particpate in our production, or maybe they have missed the auditions.  Please have them email me at or call me at my home 519.728.9123
Also note: 
Many of you have asked about tickets.  You may puchase them online at under the Box Office and then call me at 519 728 9123 for your pick of seats.  Seats are at a first come first serve basis.
You may also puchase them in person before or after class on Saturdays, starting this week.  Tickets will be available for pick up on Nov. 5th.  Tickets will not be avaiable in the Puce Office until Dec 1st, at this time - you may come in during office hours and purchase them with Pat.  The number is 519 727 0470.
Also Note:
Our Haunted Hallway is an exciting project our Troupe is working on, and Alice's production will reap the benefits.  On Saturday & Sunday of October 29th & 30th, the Puce Centre will be in full swing with a Haunted Hallway, full of LIVE ACTORS from 6pm - 11pm.   In the gym, there will be centres set up for the family friendly atmosphere for children during the hours of 6-8.  Please forward these details to everyone you know and feel free to print a poster off and put it up in your office, local store or anywhere you see fit!!!  All this for only $5. 
The proceeds will be going to the LAFA's need for proper mics and lighting board for the upcoming Alice play!  
Thank you for your support, every bit counts!!!   Have an inspiring day!
Sarah Ilijanich
Artistic Director
Lakeshore Academy of Fine Arts