Wednesday 21 September 2011


Many people asked where the money goes for a production...The reason why tickets cost so much...

Theatre is expensive! The arts should be valued. Support the arts, by going to a show, donating a costume to your local theatre company, tweet your thoughts on a performance or even post a link to your local theatre company on facebook....

Here is a little info on LSOH - Payed out for this FREE Performance. And LAFA is a very humble theatre company...imagine a Broadway show...we are talking millions!
Basic Breakdown

Props $1600
Costumes $1500
Sets $800
Theatre Rentals/Rent/Insurance/Copyrights $15000
Programs/Tixs $200
Choreography $950

***note Director, Vocals Coach & Stage Manage donated their time...they never got payed -- which they should have! Transportation, social media, emails, website...and many hours organized are also not valued with a price tag.

Total Payed: $20,500

10 x 250 = $2500 Advertisements
37 x 113 = $4100 Script Fees
Raised from Fundraising $9000

Total Raised: $15,600

***note that is over $6000 lost

The way a student feels on the stage, the moment the applause roars, the moment a child feels like they accomplished something PRICELESS!

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